The Pro Angle Professional Table Tennis Racket


(Patented in the U.S.A.)

Introducing the Pro-Angle racket and why you should consider testing it out for yourself.

The unique features of the “PRO-ANGLE” racket make it possible to improve your skill level regardless of your present level of competence, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned professional. The "Pro-Angle" racket is the most versatile racket to play with you will ever see.

Take your table tennis skills to a MUCH higher level with the NEW “PRO-ANGLE” RACKET. This racket will give you a definite advantage over your opponent who is using a conventional racket. The “PRO-ANGLE” racket is designed so that you can use either side of the racket at any point to the right or left of center, whether using top spin, side spin or back spin. Because of this, there is far less positioning required before striking the ball; and you should never be caught out of position again to get your racket onto the ball forcefully and accurately. Until you have tried it , You have no idea how good it is.
              You will discover that with the “PRO-ANGLE” table tennis racket you have all the benefits of the pen hold grip as well as all the benefits of the shake hand grip. The basic forehand and backhand strokes remain the same as with the conventional racket. But, now you have the option of total backhand play, which eliminates ever being caught out of position to address the ball; and you have the benefit of being able to use the forehand top spin smash shot from any position right or left of center. The forehand smash stroke, from either side of center is the fastest and most powerful stroke to use, especially when attacking the ball after it has been returned slightly higher than normal as a defense shot from your opponent. The chop or side spin strokes can also be performed from either side of center with either side of the racket. 
 What is unique about this new racket design is that the handle is offset at an angle from the plane of the blade, which allows one to rotate the racket from the backhand side of the racket to the forehand side of the racket, on the side of the body opposite of the hand holding the racket, without altering the angle of attack of the racket in the hand, for a powerful topspin.
With this racket, one is never caught out of position, and the player is able to address the ball with minimal body movement, which is what both the attack player and the defense player is looking for. With this racket, one’s level of play can advance much faster.
When playing strictly backhand, the racket swings, in the hand, like a pendulum from left or right of center in order to position the racket for then stroking the ball forcefully back across the net. And, when playing strictly forehand, the racket swings in the hand like a windshield wiper from right or left of center to position the racket for then stroking the ball forcefully back across the net.
The “PRO-ANGLE” racket handle has a finger separation extension piece on the lower side of the handle, so that the handle is securely held in the hand with a very relaxed grip; and the thumb is positioned on the top side of the handle, resting up against the side of the blade. With the thumb in this position, you have maximum control of being able to rotate the racket sufficiently, from the backhand position to the forehand position while on the backhand side of the body, for the purpose of performing a forceful forehand topspin stroke. This is a very deceptive shot, and frequently catches the opponent by surprise and out of position to return the ball. The basic forehand and backhand strokes with this new design of racket are just the same as with the conventional racket, so converting over to this racket is effortless. Once you have tried it, you will agree that it is, by far, the easiest racket to play with ever designed.

Additional Instructions
The handle can be made to be extremely secure in the hand in several different ways; the simplest way is to wrap a 3 ½ inch rubber band around the handle below the finger separation extension piece; an even more secure grip is obtained by cutting a strip of 120 grit sandpaper and gluing it to the side of the handle where the fingers wrap around.

Or a combination of the rubber band and the sandpaper.
Most secure grip.

The “PRO-ANGLE” racket is converted from a right hand model to a left hand model by simply removing the finger separation extension and reattaching it to the other side of the handle. As a right hand racket, the blade is angled to the left, when held in the right hand with the blade in a vertical position.
The proper hand grip is with the fingers wrapped around the handle, with the finger separation extension between the first two fingers and the thumb resting on the top of the handle resting up against the inner surface of the blade. If desired, the thumb can be wrapped around the racket handle for all strokes except when performing a forehand stroke, (topspin, sidespin, or backspin) on the backhand side of the body.

      The finger separation extension piece can be placed on either the upper or the lower side of the handle, or on the upper and lower side of the handle, to prevent the racket from slipping or rotating in the hand while maintaining a loose relaxed grip. With the “ProAngle” racket, there are two attachment positions for the finger separation pieces on both the lower and upper sides of the handle. The separation piece on the lower side of the handle is to the forward position and is for separating the first and second fingers. The separation extension piece on the top of the handle is an optional piece, preferred by some players, for added stability, and is placed in which ever position feels best, so the thumb can rest up against it. Some players prefer just using the extension piece on the upper side of the handle with the thumb resting between the extension piece and the face of the blade. These extension pieces allow for the hand to be relaxed and tension free. Tension in the fingers and wrist can cause one to make errors in performing the strokes correctly.

Click on the following link to see a demonstration of the ease of performing topspin strokes from all positions, right or left of center and with either side of the racket. YouTube video.
"The best Table Tennis Racket for all levels of play"

"The Ultimate Table Tennis Racket with the most secure grip"

 All orders for the "Pro-Angle" table tennis rackets are fulfilled by the table tennis player who designed it.

For any further information you can contact us at:

                                                The racket and rubber are sold separately.
"ProAngle" Table Tennis  channel on YouTube coming soon.

Assembly Instructions


Insert the two screws into the blade and then line it up with the two metal inserts in the handle and screw down firmly. If you are right handed, hold the racket in your right hand with the blade vertical and angled off to the left. Now insert the long screw through the rubber tubing, and then screw this finger separation extension piece into one of the two holes on the lower side of the handle. The finger separation extension is to separate the first two fingers with the first finger as close as possible to the blade. This is for stabilization of the racket in the hand, allowing for a semi relaxed hand while gripping the handle for play. For a left hand player, the finger separation piece will be inserted on the opposite side of the handle, and the blade will now angle off to the right. Next, you want to wrap the 3 ½ inch rubber band around the lower portion of the handle 3 times. This provides for a more secure grip of the handle in the hand, preventing any unwanted slippage, or rotation of the handle when held with a semi relaxed grip.

The picture below shows what your racket should now look like.


The rubber must be ordered separately.

Order the rubber of your choice separately



(Excellent for the recreational player)

You can buy glue specially for attaching the rubber to your racket.


I recommend making your own glue,

And it is very inexpensive.

Instructions for making your own glue

Mix one part white vinegar with five parts Elmer’s white wood glue.

Apply to both the rubber and the racket face if attaching hard bat rubber without sponge. With rubber and sponge, It is not necessary to apply glue to the sponge; just the racket face only. But, it doesn't hurt to apply glue to both surfaces. It just makes the attachment even more secure.

Allow glue to dry before attaching the rubber and sponge. (About one half hour to dry.)

After the glue has dried, then moisten one surface slightly, with water, and press the two surfaces together, and allow several minutes to finish drying before using scissors to cut off the excess rubber and sponge.

 Follow the same procedure for the other side of the racket.

(This glue works as good as any glue I have ever used for adhering rubber to a racket surface, and it can be easily removed for replacing old rubber for new rubber on your racket.) The specific advantage of this glue is that you can reattach a loose rubber by simply applying some moisture to the dried glue underneath where the rubber has come loose and then press the rubber back down for a secure reattachment. A moistened que-tip works well for sliding under the loose section to reactivate the dried glue, without loosening the rubber any further up from the racket. You can even change rubbers in the middle of a competition by simply removing the old rubber and then moistening the surface of the racket where you wish to place the new rubber, and then press the new rubber down firmly. The dried glue is made sticky again by simply applying moisture to the previously dried glue. This is a tremendous advantage when you need a quick fix.

Your racket is now ready to be used.

I recommend the same made up glue for attaching a strip of sandpaper to the side of the handle for an even more secure grip.
